Have you ever been in a situation where something looked to be one way but it really was something different? The saying that it is what it is and it ain't what it ain't means to accept things as they are and not force it to be what you want it to be. Do not focus on what you cannot change but focus on what you can. I used this picture because it shows a seed that was planted. it is in fact a seed, it is what it is. But what we do not know is the type of seed that it is. We all know the process of how a seed grows. It grows through a process called germination. It needs water, warmth, and oxygen to grow. You plant the seed, you water it , the seed expands and develops roots. The root grows down into the soil where it gets water and nutrients. Once the warmth of the sun is added it begins to grow. As it grows you do not determine what this seed will become. It is in fact what it is, a seed. But as you watch it grow, you do not know what it will become. That part is out of your control. I said all of that to say this. In life people are on different levels. We all have something that God has placed in us. It is up to us to plant and God adds the increase. What I have been seeing is people wanting to force people to be what they want them to be. You have no control over that my dear. The seed was planted. But in the seed being planted what were the conditions that the seed or person had to go through? Did the person follow the plan or the instructions? We can dress up and make ourselves look very appealing (Example: Wolves in sheep's clothing), when in fact we are a mess. It is what it is & it ain't what it ain't. Let's stop being judgmental and allow God to finish the work that He has begun in people. Stop calling right wrong and wrong right. Encourage people with a word, hug, a song. Offer prayer and be a solution and not a problem. The person that you have counted out, or overlooked because they didn't fit what you were looking for may be the one that you need (come here David). Let's help to build and push one another. Yes it looks one way but the way that you are looking at it is not the way it is. Look at it through different lenses and view things and people the way that God views them. This seed is actually a tree. If you know anything about trees they symbolize life, growth, fertility, and God's blessings. Looking at this picture you don't know what it is. But it is what it is and it ain't what it ain't.
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Amazing Blog my GIRL. I’ll come back later after I let this marinate and digest a bit.
This is good. It is what it is. Every one you meet might not be on your level. But if they willing to grow, you can both be on the same level and continue to grow together. Or you can grow and might have to leave them at the level that you are no longer at. It is what it is and ain’t what it ain’t.
Amazing Blog and right on time keep it up proud of you