Published on 25 September 2024 at 13:52


When I first begin forming this page, I thought that I knew exactly what I was going to talk about first. As I begin typing I heard God say nope this is not it. I said what do you mean this is not it? He said I did give it to you but today is not the time for this. I said not the time for this. He said it is not the time for this yet because I want you to let the people know first that it is your turn. Now I said God, this is good. Now if you do not know me, you will get to know me. Immediately Kelly Price popped up in my head (yes, I love music, and I have a song for everything). Her lyrics say it is my time to rise, it is my time to shine, it is my time to live, it is my time to fly, it is my time. You get it. I said all of that to say this, IT’S MY TURN. All my life I can remember fading into the background or the shadow of someone else. Diming my light so that their light would be magnified. I have pushed, encouraged, spoken into over (you get it), and even provided financially for others and left my dreams on hold. Well, I come to announce that season has changed. It is a new season and a new day. I am going to put just as much into myself as I have put into others. So, all I can say is buckle up and enjoy this ride with me. It is going to be all gas and no brakes. Well, we will use the brakes from time to time at red lights, and when it is necessary to pause and regroup. But other than that, we are rolling. So, I want you to think about what is something that you know you should be doing that you keep pushing to the side? This is us talking, I promise I will not tell your secret, it is safe with me. However, I will encourage you to get on your mark, get ready, get set, and let us go. We have a race to run. We are running in our own lane, at our own speed. What am I saying? What I have already said It is Your Turn, let us go. I want you to think back on something that you know you are supposed to be doing. Think about your goals, dreams, and aspirations. What steps do you have in place to accomplish what you want to see manifest while you are here in the earth realm? What is it that God has told you to do that you are not doing (Now you knew I was going to go here)? Whose problem are you the solution to? I want you to think on these things and if God allows you to share, please do so. On this new journey that I am on, we will laugh and cry together. I will speak and encourage you and give constructive criticism when necessary. And you do the same with me. I am going to always be open, honest, and transparent with you all. Everything that I share will not always be biblical, but now I am going to always include Him if he leads me that way. But as of now. I will say follow me on this new journey and know that it is our turn.

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